Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Book Review: Interview with a Vampire

The Interview with the Vampire 
by Anne Rice

  • Publisher: Ballantine Books (March 18, 1997)
  • ISBN-10: 0345409647
  • ISBN-13: 978-0345409645

Review by Kendall L. 

*This book is Adult Fiction

This book is about a vampire named Louis. He decides to tell his life story to a man. So he tells this guy his life before and after he became a vampire. He faces a lot of obstacles during his vampire life and loses a lot of people he loves because of it. He travels, fights, falls in love, and betrays his creator.

There's not a whole lot to say about this book. He is basically telling about his life story. There's a lot of description and really gets into what life was like back in the 18th and 19th centuries. But of course it's a fictional story, so not everything is true.

I thought the book was okay. It got interesting at some parts, and made me want keep reading without stopping; other times it was just going on with the same subjects and I didn't read it for days. The book was also long to read. I'm a slow reader so it took me a long time to finish it and it seemed to go on forever. But if you like they historical fiction/ sci-fi stuff then it's perfect for you.

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