Wednesday, January 25, 2012

DeGroodt Digital Dash Week 4: Blogging and RSS


BLOG-- Lewis Carroll, author of the portmanteau riddled Jabberwocky poem and of Alice in Wonderland fame, would be very happy with this term. A portmanteau  is when you take parts from two or more words and use them to blend together a new word. For example breakfast and lunch becomes brunch. In this case, the words web log are being blended together to form the word blog.

Blogs hit a growing streak in the early 90s with the introduction of web publishing tools that allowed people with no knowledge of HTML and FTP, the languages used to design websites,  to start creating their own content.  Typical types of blogs are personal blogs which a very similar to an open diary or journal; organizational blogs which relay information to members or employees; genre blogs which would be about specific topics like fashion or parenting; and media type which would be composed of only videos, links, or images (the cheeseburger network has somegreat ones!). The two most common blogging sites are Wordpress and Blogger (we use Blogger). Both allow you to create free blogs and they have different features. Microblogging has some of the same characteristics of a traditional blog like text, images, or videos; but it is smaller and given in brief snippets like a link or photo with caption. Tumblr is quickly gaining popularity with this simple type of format for posting. Even Twitter and Facebook can be considered forms of microblogging.

Blogs are typically run by a few individuals with common interests. No Flying No Tights is a comic and graphic novel review website that is run by librarians. The Krazy Coupon Lady is all about extreme couponing. TechCrunch and Mashable are both about technology like computers and the internet. Many authors, like Paranormalcy’s KierstenWhite, host their own blogs that depict personal or professional information about what their lives as writers or even paying it forward with advice. Over the years many corporations have seen value in this blogging trend and now host their own blogs that have more to do with the people whose interest they are trying to engage than the product they are trying to sell. For example, Totsy, the online retailer of discounted children’s clothing, hosts a blog with entries about food, entertaining, parenting, and more.

Once you find a couple blogs you are interested in, it can get a bit overwhelming trying to keep up with them all. RSS, which is often referred to as Really Simple Syndication, are feeds that are published by websites that alert you when new information has been published. RSS Readers like Google Reader will organize your feeds into a simple format similar to reading an email. You can either manually enter the blogs URL, or address, onto the service you use or click on the RSS button that is located on most blogs. Typically this will be a feature that says “Follow”. If you have a mobile device there are several apps you can use that will organize all your links together in one place and notify you when they have been updated. Flipboard is a very popular free app that organizes all your RSS feeds into a reading format similar to browsing a magazine.

What are some blogs that interest you? Leave a comment below with the link. 

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