Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Let the Zombie Games begin!

Zombies are all over the media and it is no surprise that zombies can even be connected to online gaming. From role playing shooter games like Call of Duty to apps like Plants vs Zombies, the object of the game is to use your skills to well…survive.

We even found some variations on old favorites with a zombie twist. On college campuses across the country, coeds are playing a variation on the game of tag called Humans vs. Zombies. The object of the game is for all the humans to be turned into zombies or for the humans to survive a set amount of time. While those of you who watch Big Bang Theory might have heard of RockPaper Scissors Lizard Spock, have you every played the game using zombies? Thanks to the folks at Think Geek for giving us this idea:
Fearless Leader: "One, two, three, SHOOT!"
Rules Lawyer: "What's that?"
Free Thinker: "It's a zombie."
Rules Lawyer: "There is no Zombie in Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock."
Free Thinker: "Braaaaaainsssss."
Rules Lawyer: "There are no Brains in Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock."
Merchant Monkey: "Lizard and Spock have Brainnnnnnnsssss."
Second Merchant: "Right. And Rock bludgeons Zombie into a small pile of blood, teeth, and hair."
Free Thinker: "Awwww."
Fearless Leader: "Are you two done? Okay. Again. One, two, three, SHOOT!"
Rules Lawyer: *raised eyebrow*
Free Thinker: "It's the Large Hadron Collider."

What are some of your favorite zombie games? Leave a comment below for a chance to win a copy of the Walking Dead: Days Gone Bye graphic novel. All comments must be posted by the end of Teen Read Week (October 22, 2011). 

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